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2015 October

by Martha Phillips  

Broken moon.

Death comes too soon.
Claiming the son before the mother.
A cold wind smothers.

Signs abound.
Winds change direction
Broken moon cries
Deer drop to their knees.

Air wet   yet calm
As the moon lies in wait
The son is rising
Now dies the mother.

Even a man of 100
is too young to die.
For him the full moon
Is still fully alive.  Yet

What waxes must wane
As the heart loses power
Please stay one more hour
As we all hold this death.

By Martha Phillips

Martha Phillips, outdoors lover, gardener, good fish cook and rhubarb pie baker (not together) has a degree in horticulture. And yet she began her professional life in marketing/advertising, continuing for twenty-five years, until devoting her time to teaching earth science and educational administration.

She’s been a working artist throughout her life, mainly in the visual and literary arts, although she began as a musician, starting piano at age three ─ learned to read music before words.

Martha is an environmental activist, local food proponent, community garden organizer and participant. As a Master Gardener for Chicago, she has taught composting in many of the Chicago Public Libraries and observes that children, including girls, like worms.

She enjoys movies, dance, theatre, spiritual events, music of all sorts, Tai Chi, and books, books, books.  Her e-mail address: