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The Dream

by Peycho Kanev  

The window is thin as a spider
scream. Beyond, the darkness
tells the eternal story. Streetlamps,
these nocturnal crocuses, blink
in front of the coming dawn.

Deserted streets. In the gutters
dogs and cats dream they can love
each other. No change. All is the same
like it was in the beginning.

On the other side of the window
is the room with the bed.
The sleeping man wakes up
to become someone else.

By Peycho Kanev

Peycho Kanev is the Editor-in-Chief of Kanev Books. His poems have appeared in more than 500 literary magazines, such as: Poetry Quarterly, Evergreen Review, Front Porch Review, The Monarch Review, The Coachella Review, Third Wednesday, The Cleveland Review, Loch Raven Review, In Posse Review, Mascara Literary Review and many others. He was nominated for the Pushcart Award and Best of the Net and lives in Chicago. His poetry collection Bone Silence was released in September, 2010, by Desperanto Publishing Group. A new collection of his poetry, Requiem for One Night, will be published by Desperanto Publishing Group in 2012. His e-mail address: